Not A Crook…You Varmit

I know times have changed.  Going shopping is not the fun relaxed experience it once was.  Crime has made stores more on the alert to thieves.

But just for a moment….imagine how it is today.  You get ready to pay the cashier.

Yes that young high school kid or the energetic senior citizen.  You hold out your bill and hand it into those waiting hands.  It’s that simple—right?  Wrong!

The cashier looks it over like a fine piece of art.  Holds it up to the light.  Crackles it.  Takes out a pen and scribbles on it.  Does it again.  Repeat steps 1 and 2.

You feel tempted to say….Hey I am not a crook.  Was that a siren going off?

Do not say (resist the urge though tempting)—hey I just made it today.

It’s not the wild west and I don’t have a bandanna on my face partner.  Just take the ####???!!!! bill.

So finally it is put into the register and you get your change.

One time in the near future—I think when they give me a bill.  I will take out my counterfeit bill detector pen and use it on the bill or bills they give me in return.

Just think about it?  How do we know the bills you are given in return are all right?

So—pardon me partner—-my horse is parked outside and I have to make my get away!

©2019–Craftvamp–Sally J




When $7 Dollars Is Really $7

Recently I went to one of the large chain stores that begins with W.  They always advertise low prices and state they are going lower.  Also they emphasize friendliness to customers.

In the Ladies Department was a table with very nice printed fleece tops.  Each one had a design and was very soft.  I noticed the big sign on the table and it was $7.00.  So these nice tops were supposed to be priced at $7.00.  The original price was $9.99.

I choose a nice mint green one with metallic unicorns on it.  Before I went to the check out….I went to the price checking machine and checked all the prices of what I was buying in the shopping cart.  Yes…this fleece top was $7.00.

When I went to the cashier, she rang up most of my items.  When she came to the fleece top…..she looked at it.  I said it is $7.00 because it was on the $7.00 counter.

She said to me…just because something was on the $7.00 table doesn’t mean it is $7.00.

Okay…….what does this reasoning mean?   When the price rang up—$7.00—her theory did not hold up.

©2019 Craftvamp-Sally J




Paperless Or Powerless?

I know we are in a new age….what should we call it?
The re-use or re-recycle era? The electronic rules universe?
What I am mainly referring to—is the way the websites and stores are
supposedly cutting down on paper waste by using email to communicate.

All right—they ask before you leave the check out–do you want the receipt emailed or printed? You are given a choice.
But they never tell you that be prepared to have you email box overflowed with
endless communications from them.
You get a rundown of what you bought—what you might like to buy just like what you bought. Add to that additional items that could go with what you bought. Then to add to the mix—here are some things like what you bought that other customers have purchased and liked.

So to put it in a capsulized version—you are going to be stuffed with more advertisements than a turkey at Thanksgiving.
Why—does anyone see the irony in this?

©2018 Craftvamp–Sally J

When Idiots Start A Race

I really don’t use this swear word—a ##hole. But maybe it really fits some people.  If I was to make a list of jerks or mean silly people—here is a member of the list.
I am adding this man from the supermarket the other day.
It was the Acme Supermarket and early evening. It wasn’t
really crowded. I had a number of items–maybe 20. So I got behind a line of three people. The customer in front was busy checking out a magazine.
The cashier just coming on came and said to me—I can
take you on Number 7—she was opening it up.
So I began to back out of the line to go over to where number 7 was.
Soon as I started to go over there. This fool (looked like the hairy guy from Crosby Stills And Nash) pointed his wagon in the direction
to cut me off and ran like an idiot. He really looked stupid and
I never saw anyone run like that with a shopping cart!!!
The cashier saw me and said–I’m sorry. (to me about the idiot)
I just said—Well —if he is in such a hurry–(the heck with him)
let him go. He was already throwing stuff down and packing it.
The cashier kept saying she was sorry to me.
Well—this guy had no manners. I never expected it from an older man—it was so stupid.
Generally people are so nice and polite—What
made this silly— I never realized I was in a race. The dumb
thing was the store wasn’t even crowded.

©craftvamp–Sally J

Card Crazy

Cards—no not the 52 that you play with in a deck of cards.  It’s the other kind.

How can I start–identity cards-like library cards.  I am not counting credit card, driver’s license or car registration..

It is the influx of store cards–shopper reward cards.  This is the endless number of card frenzy.  You have a shoppers card at drug, grocery, craft, auto and department stores.

Supposedly you get the sale price of things when a member.  Some cards count as reward points when you buy at certain stores.

Card –CARDS–cards—are taking over my wallet. Some look so much alike.

But sometimes the cards seem to take over.  You straighten them out.  Group them.  There are times you pull them out and set aside if you know you won’t be going to that particular store. Sometimes you forget them–oh my!!

The other day the cashier got annoyed with me when I handed her a card at Staples.

She goes–it’s not scanning.  Apparently I had given her a Michaels’ card instead. So no service with a smile–just hand over the card.

Anyone want to play a game of Rummy?

©craftvamp-Sally J

Time for Gobble Gobble

Ah—-the season of the feast. People roaming around the supermarket with shopping carts(wagons) busily looking down at long lists of things to get. Husband and wife–joined together—she swoops—he attacks—yes got the can of cranberries.
Others are hypnotized by looking at a phone—the wise voice on the other end—knows all—sees all—-tells them what to get.

Gobble….gobble…the cause of it all—some heavy—frozen—iced bird—you can not even lift..
Enjoy your feast all.

©2016 Craftvamp-Sally J

Check Out For What?

Do you wonder about store check outs? There should be another name for it. To make a  long long story short. After going on another line in the local Kmart(first one held up by man who wanted reward points without a pin or card).
I had the things run up. The cashier said she set it as charge
card because everyone else was using it. Then she did
not know how to change it to cash. Then the manager came to help. He walks away—she rings it up and no paper—then she changes the paper—the machine screwed up the receipt and folded it with not printing right. She tried it gain and the result
was a half eaten receipt.

Good thing that came out of it—the cat got a nice piece of cat
furniture for under $10 dollars. Now if only they could
run a store that wasn’t so aggravating. I’ll take the phony store
that they used as an advertisement on television.
It looks like this…now if only the cat will use it.



©Craftvamp-Sally J.