Having A Shop


Many artists like to design things.  Hopefully they will sell some. I like to design jewelry and crafts.  I started an Etsy Shop. Please come by and visit.  Let me know if you have a  website and I will visit back.


©Craftvamp-Sally J


Working On New Shop

pic for articleI have a new shop that I have been working on at Etsy.com.   It seems like a really interesting exciting site.  I like the way it always features new trends.

So slowing plodding through I have been uploading my jewelry designs, art and crafts.  It takes time to get all the photos and descriptions the way want them.

If you want to check out my new shop—

It’s fun to go on that site and check out all the other shops.  If you come on by—please stop  and say Hello.

©2016 Sally J (craftvamp)


Check Out This Artist Website

I know many websites are popular and people view them all the time.  I would like to introduce you to the site Handmade Artists.com.

You deal directly with the artist and pay with paypal. Many various handmade items are available to buy.

Not as well known as etsy—but still a good up and coming site .https://handmadeartists.com/

Have you ever gone there?  Some  crafters have opened new shops there.

You can see paintings, jewelry, home decor, knitted things, beauty items and so much more.

Why not make a visit.  I would like to hear your feedback on the site.

Once you are there…come by and visit my shop.banner 2



Please let me know if you have any questions.  I have always given customers a free gift with


©2015 Sally J