It’s A Miracle–It Grows.

All right—everyone that grows plants. Have any good experiences or bad?
I’ll start off—I gave my outside plants some Miracle Grow and they died. I had some pretty new guinea impatiens in two pots. They were doing well–but I thought could use some vitamins. Not—r.i.p.
The funniest flop–in plants is when I bought a cute Donkey Tails. It looks like little balls strung together, It was reduced at the local supermarket (red flag-right?). So I brought it home—put it in the corner of my bedroom.
It looked so nice and green. I watered it–and a few days later—noticed some of the balls on the floor.
So I went over to it and touched it—and almost all the balls of the plant start rolling off onto the floor. There was nothing left to the Donkey Tail Plant. It lasted two or three days.
I am glad when things grow. It does seem the plants have plans of their own.

©2017 Craftvamp-Sally J
pink now

donkey tails